Thanks so much for all the emails and comments of well wishes. My daughter and I are home now and we are both exhausted. The surgery went well, but her condition was worse than expected and the surgery lasted over four hours. We said goodbye at 7:15 a.m. and did not see our baby again until 4:00 p.m. when they finally released her from the recovery room. It was a very long day and night in the hospital. Unfortunately, since some reconstruction is going to have to be done to the hearing bones, we will have to go through this again in 6 months.
I may post some tonight, but might not be back until tomorrow. Some comment threads are being hit by spam advertising some pretty disgusting sites, but I am too exhausted to clean it all up right now. I am aware of it and will delete any remaining offensive comments later tonight or tomorrow.
We're definitely pulling for your daughter, Lorie. Rest up!
Posted by: Brainster | Wednesday, March 02, 2005 at 04:12 PM